Monday, January 11, 2010


Summer: Cohen! What’re you doing?
Seth: Nothing, why?
Summer: Well it looks like your humping the hotdog stand.
Seth: No actually uh Summer I’m not even humping anything. You know how I love to stand on counter tops in public places. You know hotdog stands, coffee carts.
Summer: No
Seth: Because Summer Roberts
Summer: Cohen, do not

Seth: I still don’t understand why we needed to get two rooms. I’m gonna leave you my key, just in case you get lonely.
Summer: Or, in case, I wanna smother you with your pillow while you’re sleeping.
Seth: Whatever turns you on

Summer: Hey, don’t you wanna introduce me to more people?
Seth: No. Because I know the only reason you came as my date is so I can introduce you to guys who just stare at your chest.
Summer: Who was staring at my chest?
Seth: And they don’t know anything about you, they don’t know that in third grade, everyday you shared your lunch with this little squirrel, who’s lunch kept getting stolen by a fat squirrel.
Summer: I hated that fat squirrel.
Seth: And they don’t know about how your hand shook when you had to read that poem aloud in class.
Summer: What poem?
Seth: “I Want To Be A Mermaid”
Summer: That was like, in sixth grade, I barely remember that.
Seth: “‘I want to be a mermaid, to swim along the sea, and I want all the fish…”

Summer kisses Seth.

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